Meditation Talk 11 August 2015 – Afternoon

When We See The Radiant Form Of The Master Within, Our Faith Becomes Absolute

SANT MAT IS A PATH of love and affection. Mahatmas have forever said,“The soul is a form of love. God Almighty is also a form of love. And the Path for the soul to reach the God Almighty is also a Path of Love.”

If our love, which is now scattered around the world, is focused and that love is then directed at the Feet of the Master, and that love is focused towards God Almighty, then we are treading well on the Path of Spirituality.

The Masters have taught us the way to move this love and attention. They have taught us Simran and Dhyan, because today our simran, our repetition, and our attention, is outside in the world and worldly affairs. By doing Simran and by doing the contemplation of the Master within, we start focusing our attention within and bringing that love and attention within.

So when, at the back of the Eye Center, we start lovingly contemplating the Form of the Master and do our Simran then, gradually, all our scattered attention that we have in all the other worldly affairs starts collecting at the back of the Eye Center. So, when that attention becomes steady at the back of the Eye Center, then our soul starts rising to the Eye Center.

As soon as we get a thought or any other contemplation, the focus and attention immediately scatter and the soul falls. So, once any outside thought comes, then again, the attention gets defocused and the attention of the soul goes down. Likewise, we should again then focus with love and affection and do our Simran, and again the attention will start focusing and becoming steady at the Eye Center.

So, this process has to keep going on. It's a slow process, but that is how it has to be done. That love, which the Masters have described, that love manifests itself at the back of the Eye Center when, by doing Simran and the contemplation of the Master’s Form, we start withdrawing. The soul starts leaving the six chakras and focuses on the seventh chakra at the back of the Eye Center. That is where the Tenth Door is. And that Tenth Door, when it opens, we see the Radiant Form of the Master and the Sound Current. It is that Radiant Form of the Master and the Sound Current, which is True Love that we have been so much aspiring for on the Path of Spirituality.

When we see the Radiant Form of the Master within, that is when our faith becomes absolute in the Master, and it never changes after that. And we get completely transformed when we see the Radiant Form of the Master within. But till we see the Radiant Form of the Master within, our True Love for the Master does not come forth. So, if we see the history of gurumukhs, the mouthpieces of the Masters, we see that they are willing to leave and sacrifice their life and everything for the Masters, because their True Love has manifested. They have seen the Radiant Form of the Master within.

Therefore, doing maximum Simran and Bhajan and getting our attention defocused from outside worldly matters, and getting the attention focused within, are the true signs of a gurumukh. And that is the True Path that the gurumukhs should follow.

So, the time is good and the atmosphere is quiet. We should use this time to do our Simran and Bhajan. Let us close our eyes and focus within.