Meditation Talk - 09 August 2016 - Morning

Until The Masters Radiant Form Has Manifested, We Should Do As Much Simran As Possible

LIKE WE DO OUR Simran And Dhyan every day, it is important that we also do the practice of listening to the Shabd, doing our Bhajan every day, even if we do it for ten to fifteen minutes every day.

There are two faculties of the soul — surat and nirat. Surat is the faculty where the soul can listen, and nirat is the faculty of the soul to see. Today, now both these faculties are asleep. When we do this practice of Bhajan, when we close our eyes and ears and try to listen to the sounds within and try to see within, then we are awakening both these faculties of the soul.

Listening to the Sound Current within is a different thing. When we do our Simran and Dhyan, by that, the mind gets pure. Then, we will be able to listen to the Sound within. And when we go within, and with the Grace of the Master, when we see the Radiant Form of the Master and we get connected to the Sound Current, that Sound Current will remain with us forever. That Sound Current is called Anahad Shabd. And that Sound Current has the power to hold the mind still. And that has the power to pull the soul and the mind up.

When we close our ears, we listen to the sound within, we feel nice to hear these sounds, there are various sounds within. These are called Das Vidhi Nad. But these sounds do not have the power to pull the soul and the mind up. So, when we close our ears and listen, we should do the practice of listening, because we are trying to awaken our faculties of listening and seeing of the soul. So, therefore, we should keep trying to do this practice. We should do this for at least ten minutes after we sit for our meditation when we do our Simran and Dhyan. After that, for at least ten minutes every day, we should try to do this. Because, by doing this, we are awakening those faculties, and the journey of the soul begins as the attention starts getting focused within by doing these practices. So, it is important to do this.

However, many people don't do or don’t focus on Simran, they don't focus on Dhyan and, instead, they only focus most of the time trying to listen to the sound within. That is not going to help much, because till we do this Simran and Dhyan, we will not be able to make the mind pure enough for it to be able to move upwards.

In Sant Mat, the first thing is to do the devotion of the Master. So, the first thing is to go inside and manifest the Radiant Form of the Master within us. When we do that, when we manifest the Radiant Form of the Master within, then it is with the Grace of the Master that He gets the soul connected to the Sound Current. And that Sound Current then remains permanent with us and we stay connected.

When we listen to the sounds now, when we close our ears, these sounds sometimes come, sometimes we do not hear them. So, when we quiet our mind, we do our Simran and the mind is quiet, when we sit like that quietly, then we sometimes hear the sound, sometimes we do not hear the sound. So, it keeps coming and going, depending on how our mind is stilled.

But, when the Radiant Form of the Master within is manifested, and we hear that Sound Current, that Anahad Shabd, that remains constant. It doesn't come and go. It is there all the time and it is constantly with us. So, that Sound Current, with which we get connected only with the Grace of the Master, once we get connected to Anahad Shabd, that Anahad Shabd is later connected to Sar Shabd. And Sar Shabd is later connected to Sat Shabd. So, like that, the soul rides on the Sound Current — which is all interconnected — and goes back to the lap of God Almighty.

So, while the Master’s Form is not yet manifested within, we should try to do as much of Simran as possible, because the first step in Sant Mat is Simran. We should keep doing our Simran. And, as we do our Simran, the mind will become purer. And, when the mind becomes purer, we will be able to go within. We can do Simran at all times.

It is not only when we sit for meditation that we should do Simran. When we are cooking food, we can do Simran. When we are going for a stroll or walk, we can do Simran. When we are traveling somewhere, we can do Simran. So, Simran, we can do anytime when the mind is not otherwise occupied. We should make a habit of doing Simran as much as possible. Because, like that, when we do Simran throughout the day, then when we sit for meditation for that half hour or one hour, the mind stills very quickly. And that Simran helps us, which we have done, otherwise, during the day.

If we do not do that, then the whole day we are thinking outwardly, our worldly duties, and all of the other things. And, when we spend that half an hour or one hour when we sit for meditation, then the mind does not get still, it keeps going, wavering, here and there.

So, therefore, we should make a habit of doing Simran at all times, whenever our mind is free.

So, this time is very good. We should make the most of this time. Let us close our eyes and sit for meditation.